- Is saline bath face fine? 盐水洗脸好不好的?
- Is summer good with lukewarm bath face? Or is cold water good? 夏天用温水洗脸好?还是冷水好?
- Blacken easily with cold bath face? 用冷水洗脸容易变黑吗?
- Is using cool bath face still good with lukewarm bath face very? 用凉水洗脸好还是用温水洗脸好?
- Sometimes this can be ameliorated by asking the patient to urinate in a warm saline bath. 有时这可以减轻病人排尿要求在热情盐水洗澡。
- Under the direction of Dr. Marion Levy, surgeons excised the liver of a genetically altered pig named Sweetie Pie and placed it next to Robert in a saline bath. 在马龙 - 利维博士的指导下,外科医生们把一只名叫“甜饼”的遗传上有改变的猪的肝脏放在罗伯特旁边的盐水容器内。
- The wide windows of this bath face the open sea and overlook the dramatic landscape of the Tsugaru Straits and Mt. Hakodate in daytime, and nearby squid-fishing lamps at night. 在可以展望大海的落地窗的展望温泉里,白天您可以眺望津轻海峡和函馆山的爽快的风景,夜晚您可以俯瞰附近点点渔火灯光。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Taggers face fines, community service and even jail time. 涂画者面临罚款、社区服务甚至坐牢的处罚。
- Just as one would expect, the general comes out busy move makes bath face in well edge, brethren knows how to return a responsibility, but dare not laugh at phonate. 果不其然,将军一出来便忙著在井边打水洗脸,弟兄们知道怎么回事,可是不敢笑出声。
- If it is the mental distance, missing is saline, waking up from dreams with tears full in your eyes. 如果是心灵的距离,思念便是苦涩的,苦涩的挂着泪珠醒来。
- He is still a fine specimen of health. 他仍是健康的典范。
- Drying skin can choose the blame such as water of bath face film, soft skin to grind arenaceous kind of chamfer simple product, because it does not chafe,skin, less to cutaneous stimulation. 干性皮肤可以选择水洗面膜、柔肤水等非磨砂类去角质产品,因它不摩擦肌肤,对皮肤的刺激较少。
- He is heir to his father's fine brain. 他承袭了他父亲的聪明头脑。
- Cold bath keeps me is good health. 冷水浴使我身体健康。
- The bath/The bath water is running over. 浴缸[浴缸的水]溢出来了。
- Jianghan Oilfield is saline lake deposition of interior phase of lake, where most of the wells are brine mud wells.Therefore, dual laterolog has better effects compared with induction log. 摘要江汉油田是内陆湖泊相的盐湖沉积,大部分都是盐水泥浆井,双侧向测井比感应测井具有更佳的使用效果。
- The shadow of death is on his face. 死亡的阴影笼罩在他的脸上。
- Certainly, if the weather is fine. 如果天气好,当然可以。
- Her face is sprinkled with tiny freckles. 她的脸上有点点的雀斑。